Sunday, June 17, 2007

Break on through

Some days start the way they are supposed to.
But most days don’t.
Some times you know it right from the start.
But most times you don’t.

* * *

Today, right now, a new day begins. And I wonder how this day is going to turn out. I wonder what is in store for me and how it is going to go. There is no ‘rightfromthestart’ feeling right now. It is another ‘letstakeitasitcomes’ day for me.

I miss the days when you know what is going to happen right from the start. In the sense that, it may not be completely planned, but you know it right up front that this is the way the day is going to go. And that is a good feeling. And of course there are those days when you plan everything, and even then you get the feeling that this day may still not go the way you want it to. And it usually does not.

As this new day takes shape, it offers many wondrous things to do. Which of course will probably be completely passed on for the ordinary. And it is in this ordinary that birth is given to the amazing. The breaking through of the ordinary is what brings about the amazing. The ordinary is needed. So, we go about creating and dwelling in the ordinary in the hope that someday, we will break on through to the other side. And that side will bring us to the place where we want to be. To give us the days that we want. The days when things go the way they are supposed to and you take life the way you always wanted to.

The potential exists in every day. We just need to make it happen.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Words - a Powerful Weapon provided to mankind.
It's up to the individual how best to exploit life with it.
Words influence people....

It can change lives - The effect depends on how words play with you. An encouraging word to someone who is down can encourage them to achieve their goal. A destructive word to the same can have negative effects.

Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.
Use soft word sand hard arguments.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their "echoes" are truly endless!

The snow may look smooth and soft,
but the rocks underneath are sharp!
Courtesy - Master Mark Russell.